What Is The Best Grow Light For Seedlings?
Purchasing seeds is the initial phase in growing plants and people like to keep it as natural as possible. Leaving their seeds by the window to get natural sunlight. However, the early plant stages of growth usually require warmer wavelengths of light for the most effective growth. The best time to get this type of warm light is around summer solstice. However, it is more efficient to use a grow light supplement throughout the rest of the year to provide your seedlings with the right light.
Why A Grow Light For Seedings?
This is probably the first and most common question when it comes to grow lights and seedlings so let’s take a look at some of the reasons and benefits to using a supplementary light. Seeds need consistent light and temperatures to avoid growing soggy and weak. Just placing some seeds near a window can’t guarantee consistent light and temperature, especially in the northern hemisphere. By using a grow light you are guaranteeing your seeds even light and temperatures from above for as long as they need.
Due to the intensity and dependable light produced from grow lights seeds grown under them show higher survival rates and better germination. Due to the overall consistency of grow lights compared to natural daylight, they produce faster and stronger plant growth.
What Spectrum of Light Do Seedlings Need?
Growing seeds indoors is going to require more blue light compared to vegetative and flowering. When it comes to the seedling growth stage depends on what you give it. A plant that is only exposure to blue light will only use this energy for growing and building its roots. If a plant is only exposure to high amounts of red light it will begin to flower. If you have too much blue or too much red-light exposure the light may grow uneven and weak in places, so it is a good idea to get a balance.
Full-spectrum Grow Lights For Seeds
For the most even and natural growth and looking light inside your home full-spectrum grow lights may be the best option. Full spectrum grow lights replicate natural sunlight and their beam come out at around 5000K, the same as natural sunlight. So, for aesthetics and to meet all of the plant’s growth requirements full-spectrum may be the best option. Although full-spectrum grow lights will be the closest to natural sunlight, there are ways to find the best full spectrum grow lights for your seeds.
The Best Full-Spectrum Grow Light For Seeds
The best way to get the most optimal full-spectrum grow light for your seeds is to look at the light’s blue: red light ratio. Due to the fact seeds need more blue light for growth and root health, it is best to look for a full-spectrum grow light with a higher blue than red ratio in its beam. Considering full-spectrum lights offer your plants a wide variety of the lighting spectrum, they are beneficial to your plants and requires your plants to have less investment and cost overall. Just remember to look for a higher blue ratio within the full spectrum light, when you are looking to grow seeds indoors.
The Best LED Full-Spectrum Grow Light on the Market
SGLEDs 36W Grow light is one of the newest and most effective full-spectrum grow lights in today’s market. These bubs produce a 60-degree angle beam for higher intensities on plants at 4200K, which is close to natural sunlight. These bulb’s design and illumination are about promoting energy efficient growth. Due to the fact this light is full-spectrum and produces an intense beam it can be used across all stages of a plant’s life cycle. Balanced white light with a higher blue ratio is going to make your seeds grow into strong colorful plants.
SGLEDs wants healthier happier plants. We want to help plants grow!